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Pack Name

Crime Scene

Adaptive Music Player

The menu contains the pack tracks and the optional win/lose tracks.

The play buttons control the selected track layers to increase or decrease musical complexity. This behaviour can be emulated by the game logic, allowing for adaptive soundtracks.

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Win and Lose Tracks [FREE]
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Created with suspenseful mystery games in mind, this pack’s track builds from a dark atmosphere to a dense, rhythmic, and exotic sounding composition.
The track layers follow an intensity progression which can be exploited for game states. The first layer contains the dark and tense ambience which can work great for calm moments. The second one adds melodies and a soft beat which can be added to the first layer for added tension. The third and final layer contains the main piano melody, rhythmic arpeggios and additional percussion making for the track’s final build in energy.
Although these layers can be gradually added in order to follow the above progression, they can also be used standalone or combined freely with any other layer.
The “Win” and “Lose” tracks make for a great addition when needing to present these game states to the player.

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